Measuring and monitoring
Measuring and monitoring the vibration level of rotating machinery is a
proven method of detecting the early development of machine faults. With
a PCH vibration monitor you can handle problems before they cause
breakdowns. Therefore, you can assure operational continuity of your
production and avoid unplanned machinery downtime, and related costs
Our references
For many years PCH has developed and manufactured specialized equipment
for the Danish sound and vibration specialists Brüel & Kjær A/S. We
supply monitors to a large amounts of cement equipment factories and to a
large amount of wind turbine factories throughout the world on a
regular basis, as well as systems for the car industry, the US Navy and
the Danish Navy
Our employees
All our employees are highly qualified within vibration monitor design and manufacturing.
We have worked with sound and vibration monitoring for many years, and we have great
expertise and experience in vibration measurements.